Discover the stories of four refugees building a new life in Australia
MeetAlphaArrived in Australia in 2002
MeetDavidArrived in Australia in 1950
MeetAyaArrived in Australia in 2014
MeetShabnamArrived in Australia in 2009

Learn about the real experiences of four refugees who each arrived in Australia at a different time and from different ethnic, cultural and religious backgrounds

Step into the shoes of a refugee as they start a new life in Australia

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Teacher Resources
This Inquiry Unit has been developed in partnership with Cool Australia, and is also available through, where our teacher resources can be used by up to 91,000 educators.
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Videos by theme
Watch videos of our storytellers talking about specific themes, including community, friendship, passion and asking for a helping hand
Latest News & Articles
Our Stories has reached 16,000 students in only 6 months!
In outstanding news, Our Stories is pleased to announce that the first round of data on the Our Stories lessons has come through, and the results out incredible. The two Years 8 and 9 civics and citizenship lessons have been live for only 6 months and have yielded the following results: • No. Downloads: 451 • No.… Continue Reading»
Our Stories speaks to Rotary Central Melbourne
On 7 May 2019, Tal (Our Stories Founder) and Shabnam (Our Stories storyteller) presented to a Rotary Club in Central Melbourne to discuss the challenges refugees face building a new life in Australia. The breakfast event was a huge success, with the packed room thoroughly engaged and asking many insightful questions of Tal and Shabnam.… Continue Reading»
Our Stories at the Refugee Alternatives Conference in Adelaide!
Shabnam, an Our Stories storyteller, attended the Refugee Alternatives Conference 2019 and used the opportunity to network with the refugee sector and raise awareness on why stories matter to changing the naratives in schools! Refugee Alternatives Conference 2019 offered a space to support new ideas and partnerships in advocating for and with refugees and people… Continue Reading»
Shabnam speaks to the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission
This week, Our Stories storyteller, Shabnam, told her incredibly powerful story to an all-staff event at the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission. Shabnam focused on the challenges she faced during the period of time after arriving in Australia. She was joined by her teacher from Cranbourne Secondary College, Mr Ross Huggard, who told… Continue Reading»